Beef Kofta Curry with Sag Aloo and Coriander Rice


This was another new one for us, it’s quite mild but if you like a bit of kick add some Chilli! The kids weren’t overly keen, Abbie didn’t eat any of the Curry and Isla didn’t eat any of the Rice… you can’t win them all!

There’s a few separate parts to the recipe so I will keep them separate otherwise I might just confuse myself and yourself, so instead you can pick and choose what you want to make as you please… I’m not happy with the Sag Aloo at all but it was a ridiculously simplified version so I’ll include it just incase anyone wants to know.

For the Curry for 4 people you will need:

Beef Kofta

  • 500g Beef Mince

  • 1 Red Onion finely diced

  • Fresh Coriander, small handful finely diced

  • 2 tsp Cumin

  • 1 tsp Salt

  • 1 tsp Turmeric

  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika

  • 1/2 tsp Ground Coriander

  • 1/2 tsp Ground Ginger

  • 1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp Chilli Powder


Mix all the ingredients together, then roll into meatballs and pop onto a tray. I did these the day before to save time and marinate the Beef but you don’t have to.


For the Curry

  • 1 Diced Onion (I used Frozen from Asda)

  • 2 tsp Chopped Garlic (Frozen again)

  • 2 tsp Cumin

  • 2 tsp Turmeric

  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika

  • 1 tsp Ground Coriander

  • 2 tsp Sugar

  • 1 tin Coconut Milk

  • 1 carton of Passatta

  • 1 heaped tsp Cornflour


Seal the Meatballs in a large non stick pan then set to one side.


Fry off the Onions and Garlic in the same pan for a few minutes.


Add all the Spices and fry for a minute.

Add the Passatta and Coconut Milk. Bring to the boil then lower to a simmer.


Mix the Cornflour in a mug with about an inch of Water, add to the sauce along with the Sugar and add Salt to taste.


Add the Meatballs back in and simmer for 15-20 minutes.


When dishing up the Curry, you can add some Yoghurt for a creamier sauce. I used Alpro Coconut but this is optional!


Sag Aloo

  • 4 medium Red Potatoes

  • 2 Handfuls of Spinach

  • Salt

  • 2 tsp Cumin

  • 2 tsp Turmeric

Peel and chop the Potatoes into even chunks.

Add to a Pan, cover with Water and add the Spices and a good pinch of Salt.


Bring to the boil then turn down to a simmer and cook until a knife goes easily through the middle.

Drain, put back in the pan, add the Spinach and pop a lid on until the Spinach wilts.


As I said I’m not overly happy with how this came out but made a nice side dish and was simple to do alongside the Curry which took a bit more effort!

Coriander Rice

Now this is how I cook ALL my rice. For Basmati, I always rinse it 4-5 times… if I’m using Long Grain, I don’t bother rinsing it. But the method is always the same and the Rice comes out spot on every time.

For Coriander Rice, I used Basmati. So rinse 4-5 times. Cover with water, make sure you use a nice big pan and lots of water. Bring to the Boil and cook for around 8 minutes. Keep checking the Rice and around 8 minutes it should still have a bite to it. Drain, then return to the Pan, add Salt and Pepper and a little knob of Butter, cover with tin foil pressed down into the pan and let the steam continue to cook the Rice for a few more minutes. For Coriander Rice just add chopped Coriander.


So I know theres ALOT going on here but once you have all your ingredients together it is really simple and SO yummy. I totally winged this recipe so I’m made up with how nice it came out.

Hope you enjoy it!

L x



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