Cauliflower and Roast Pumpkin Soup

It’s Soup Season… woooooo.

I won’t pretend I’m not excited because quite frankly I am. I love a bowl of Soup with a Crusty Roll… and you can’t beat homemade!

This one is just a few indredients and really yummy… if you aren’t a fan of spice… leave out the Chilli Powder and use extra Paprika.

For approximately 2756 portions (I’m joking but this did make LOADS probably like 8-10 portions) you will need:

  • 1 large Cauliflower cut into florettes

  • 1 small Pumpkin cut into wedges (don’t bother peeling it you don’t need to!)

  • 2 Onions sliced

  • 4 Chicken Stock cubes and 2.5 litres of water made into Stock

  • 1.5 tsp Chilli Powder

  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika

  • 1 tsp Mixed Herbs

  • Salt and Pepper

  • 2 tbsp Honey


First pop the Pumpkin into an oven tray and coat with the Herbs and Spices, Salt and Pepper and a little oil or oil spray. Then into the oven on 180 for around 30 minutes.


Sweat the Onions in a large heavy based pan, on a low heat, with a large pinch of salt for around 10-15 minutes until soft. I usually leave the lid on and just give it a stir occasionally.


Add the Cauliflower and the Stock and then simmer for around 15 minutes.


Add the roasted Pumpkin and simmer for another 5 minutes.


Then blend! I used my NutriBullet which is quite frankly a pain in the arse when it comes to blending Soup… if you have a stick blender then you are winning at life and I really need to invest in a new one! I added some Honey and more Salt and Pepper to taste whilst blending just to help that flavour along.


See what I mean about ALOT! I usually freeze my Soup into portions in these nifty little containers from the pound shop and make sure I jot down what’s inside and the date I made it on top! I always serve it with a little drizzle of Yoghurt just to give it that ‘creamy’ effect and it’s nice when you have a slightly spicy soup. Hope you enjoy it!


L x


Sticky Chicken


Roast Chicken, Butternut Squash and Sage Risotto