Creamy Chicken Caesar Pasta


Another day, another Pasta recipe.

I love Pasta and I love Chicken Caesar, but I wanted to be able to have it hot and not use Caesar Dressing. So this Pasta sauce is made using all the flavours in Caesar dressing but using Chicken Stock and a little Cream for a seriously tasty Pasta sauce. I know some people might read the recipe and turn their nose up at the Anchovies, but trust me, they add so much flavour to the Sauce and doesn’t make it taste fishy at all, they add a certain kind of saltyness and just take it to next level yummy.

For 2 people you will need:

  • 2 Chicken Breasts sliced

  • 4 Bacon medallions cut into lardons

  • 3 Anchovies finely chopped

  • 2 cloves of Garlic chopped

  • 200g Penne Pasta

  • 60g Parmesan

  • 300ml Chicken stock

  • 100ml Single Cream

  • chopped Parsley

  • Salt and Pepper


Heat a large frying pan and boil some water with a large pinch of salt. Fry off the Chicken and Bacon with a pinch of Salt and Pepper and start boiling the Pasta.


Once the Chicken and Bacon has started to brown, add the Anchovies and Garlic and fry for a minute.


Add the Chicken stock to the pan then reduce by half till thickened slightly.


Next, add the Single Cream and reduce by half too.


Keep an eye on the Pasta it will only take around 8-9 minutes, drain when cooked saving some of the Pasta water.


Add the Pasta to the Chicken along with most of the Parmesan and stir through. Add some of the Pasta water to loosen the sauce a bit.


Plate up, top with the Parmsan and chopped Parsley.

I had mine with some Veg on the side, it was SO GOOD. I think this will become a regular in our house, I usually avoid using cream in Pasta but 100ml for two people is not alot and it really makes a difference to the sauce, feels like such a treat!

Hope you enjoy!

L x


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