Potato Dauphinoise

Possibly the next best way to eat a Potato after a Roasted Potato is Potato Dauphinoise. Garlic, Cream and Cheese… need I say anymore.

We had them with Roast Beef, Veg and Gravy… then I chucked the leftovers into a soup I was making which was also DELIGHTFUL.

This makes a very large dish, I would say enough for 6-8 portions:

  • 8 large Potatoes peeled and thinly sliced (I use Maris Pipers)

  • 400ml Milk

  • 400ml Cream

  • 3 Garlic Cloves crushed

  • 50g Parmesan grated

  • Thyme

  • Salt and Pepper

In a Pan, heat the Milk and Cream with the crushed Garlic.


In an oven proof dish layer the sliced Potato, cover with the Milk and Cream mixture, season with Salt and Pepper and add a sprinkle of Parmesan.


Then repeat making sure you season each layer. I add the Milk and Cream but leave it a little below the top layer of Potatoes so you get a nice crispy topping.


Bake in the oven on 160′ for 1 hour.

And thats it!


Hope you enjoy.

L x


Herb Crusted Salmon with Cous Cous and Roasted Tomatoes


Slow Cooker BBQ Beef Brisket