Quorn and Chargrilled Veg Chilli


I have been meaning to make this for weeks! I picked up some Quorn mince in the supermarket after trying it at work and do you know what, it really isn’t so bad! I wanted to use it to make a nice Chilli, I think what I love the most about this is it is packed with Veg and high in Protein with the Quorn and the Kidney Beans. I chargrilled the Veg for extra flavour but you don’t have to! If you aren’t chargrilling, just dice the Courgette and Aubergine and add it to the pan when you add the Sweet Potato.

I made enough to feed the 5000 but it will freeze fine and keep in the fridge for a few days so it is batch cooking friendly!

For 6-8 portions you will need:

  • 1 bag of frozen Quorn Mince

  • 1 Red Onion

  • 2 Peppers

  • 2 Sweet Potatoes

  • 1 Courgette

  • 1 Aubergine

  • 2 cloves of Garlic

  • 1 Veg stock pot

  • 1 tin of Chopped/Plum Tomatoes

  • 1 carton Passata

  • 1 tsp Paprika

  • 1 tsp Chilli Powder

  • 1/2 tsp Cumin

  • 1/2 tsp Coriander

  • 1/2 tsp Salt

  • Coriander, Chilli and Spring Onion to Garnish

  • Creme Fraiche/Sour Cream


Peel and dice the Sweet Potato, dice the Peppers and Onion. Slice the Courgette and Aubergine into thick slices.


Sweat the Onion and Peppers and start chargrilling the Courgette and Aubergine.


Add the Quorn to the Onions and Peppers, with the Spices, Salt and the 2 cloves of Garlic crushed. Fry off for 2 minutes.


Add the tin of Tomatoes with half a tin of water,the carton of Passata and the Veg stock pot. Stir then cover and simmer for 15 minutes.


Add the Sweet Potato, cover and simmer for another 15 minutes.


Slice the Courgette and Aubergine into chunks.


Once the Sweet Potato is cooked, add the Chargrilled Veg and drain the tin of Red Kidney Beans and add this too. Simmer for 5 minutes.


Serve with the Coriander, Chilli and Spring Onion with a dollop of Creme Fraiche or Sour Cream.

And thats it!

I always think of meals without meat to be a bit ‘meh’ and not for me but this was so good and I loved that it was really healthy, filling and I have enough for Lunches/Dinners through the week if I don’t have time to cook.

Hope you enjoy!

L x


Hot Smoked Salmon Kedgeree


Garlic and Parsley Prawns, New Potatoes, Tomatoes and Rocket