Slimming World Chocolate Brownie Bites


Now the first time I tried these, I used just sweetener and no prunes. I’m not a massive fan of the taste of sweetener it always sits a bit funny with me afterwards so I have adjusted the recipe to suit myself… If you like sweetener then just ignore the prune step and use 8-10 tbsp of sweetener in total, for any slimming worlders this will make the mix 6 Syns less as the prunes used equal 6 Syns and sweetener is syn free.

For 12 brownie bites you will need:

  • 5 Scan Bran

  • 80g Prunes (I used sainsburys own)

  • 2 tbsp of Cocoa Powder

  • 2 tbsp of Sweetener

  • 1 tbsp of Choc Shot

  • 3 Eggs


First you want to soak the Scan Bran and the Prunes in hot water.


You may need to keep adding water bit by bit to the scan bran till it is soft enough to mash up.


Next you need to sepearate the eggs into two sepearate bowls… To the egg yolks add the scan bran, cocoa powder, sweetener and choc shot and give it a good whisk together. 


Put the prunes and the water together into a food processor and give them a blitz as fine as you can then add to the scan bran mixture.


With a clean dry whisk, whisk the egg whites to soft peaks. Add a small amount to the scan bran and mix together then fold in the rest gently.

Line a baking dish with baking paper and spray lightly with frylight… The dish I use is 15cm wide, 25cm long and 5cm deep which gives a nice thick brownie.


Bake in the oven on 180′ for 20 mins. You want there to be a little wobble still in the middle when it comes out the oven. Leave to cool completely in the dish.


For slimming worlders the whole mix equals 20 Syns, I cut mine into either 10 or 12 bites and work out my Syns from that!

If you choose to use prunes and not sweetener I would recommend using a nice sweet topping, I like quark mixed with white chocolate options and a teaspoon of sweetener with some Strawberrys.

Now these are nowhere near as lovely as the real deal BUT they are a great, much healthier substitute that can help curb and cravings for cake and lovely with a cup of tea in the afternoon or an evening picky bit after dinner! Hope you enjoy them.

L x 


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