Slow Cooker Creamy Chicken Gnocchi

It feels like a VERY long time since I wrote a recipe blog so this feels weeiirrd BUT I think this recipe would be a lot easier to follow this way and to refer back to aswell!

This recipe is inspired by Slimming Eats Slow Cooker Crack Chicken which I will link here which is amazing and we have had before with Pasta or Rice.

We really enjoyed this meal, I loved how easy it was for me to just leave and come back to and also minimal washing up, it was quite rich so we has it with Broccoli and Peas on the side.


For 4 people you will need:

  • 3 large Chicken Breasts cut in half

  • 1 Onion diced

  • 1 Garlic Clove crushed

  • 1 tsp dried Dill

  • 1 tsp dried Parsley

  • 1 tsp dried Chives

  • 1/2 tsp Tarragon

  • 1/2 tsp Garlic Granules

  • 500g Gnocchi

  • 300ml Chicken Stock hot

  • 50g Creme Fraiche

  • 50g Cream Cheese

  • Fresh Parsley

  • Salt and Pepper

Sweat the Onion and Garlic in a pan with a little oil, salt and pepper for 10 minutes until soft.


Transfer the Onion and Garlic to a slow cooker, season the Chicken with Salt and Pepper then add this to the slow cooker too with the hot Chicken Stock, Herbs and Garlic Granules, set the slow cooker to medium and cook for 3 hours.


After 3 hours add the Gnocchi and cook for 1 hour, turning the slow cooker onto high with the lid on, stirring a few times.


After the hour, take out the pieces of Chicken Breast and shred up with 2 forks.


Add the Chicken back in with the Creme Fraiche and Cream Cheese, stir through and leave for 30 minutes with the lid off and stir a few times.


Serve with freshly chopped Parsley and some side vegetables.


Hope you enjoy!

L x


AD| Green and Black’s Velvet Edition


Herb Crusted Salmon with Cous Cous and Roasted Tomatoes