Sticky Beef Rice Bowl


This is one of Kieran and my favourite meals… we haven’t had it for ages and I wanted to have a little play around with the recipe to see if I could make it even better!

You want to cook it low and slow, be patient! You can cook it in a slow cooker on a low but make sure you leave the lid off for the final hour and turn the heat up to high, it may need a little longer for the liquid to completely reduce, I would recommend cooking it on the hob if you can.

For 4 people you will need:

  • 500g Diced Chuck Steak/Braising Steak

  • 1 Onion sliced

  • 100ml of Soy Sauce

  • 200ml Water

  • 3 tbsp Sweet Chilli Sauce

  • 1 tbsp Honey

  • 2 cloves of Garlic finely grated

  • 1 thumb sized piece of Ginger finely grated

  • Rice (I used Basmati)

  • Veg (anything you like but Baby Corn and Mange Tout went nicely)

  • Garnish (Crispy Onions, Red Chilli, and Coriander)

  • Just a little side not I TOTALLY forgot to get some pickled Ginger and Cucumbers, like what you have with Sushi… this also goes LOVELY with it and I will be getting some for next time!


So basically it is ALL in the cooking. I used a heavy based casserole dish and literally chucked everything in, aside from the Veg, Rice and Garnish.

I put it on my smallest Gas ring on the lowest flame and just let it very gently simmer, with a tight fitting lid on, for around 5-6 hours stirring occasionally.


Then for 1 hour, remove the lid so the steam can escape and the liquid can reduce right down, again stirring occasionally.

The Beef should be tender and shredding up now easily just using the spoon to break it up slightly.


I served it with Sticky Rice, Veg and all the Garnish on top.

Ridiculously simple, don’t be tempted to turn that heat up to help it along as it may toughen up the meat, it’s all about doing it low and slow! And if you want a separate post about how to cook perfect rice every time let me know and I’ll pop one up.

Hope you enjoy!

L x


Salmon, Broccoli and Spring Onion Fishcakes


Fish Fingers and Triple Cooked Chips