Toasted Chicken Caesar and Parmesan Wraps


This made such a nice dinner for a warmer evening! I love the flavours of Chicken Caesar and I love a Chicken wrap so this was the perfect combo and really easy to make. I used to make a Slimming World Toasted Twister which I’ve linked here, I used to love making these but this version is a lot simpler.

I made enough for 3 adults but Kieran had 2 wraps because he basically eats for 2 so would say this is enough for 4 regular people and we just had some home made Sweet Potato Fries with a little side salad.

For 4 people you will need:

  • 4 Chicken Breasts

  • 1 Lemon

  • 1 tbsp Oregano

  • 4 cloves of Garlic

  • Salt and Pepper

  • 4 Wraps (I used BFree Gluten Free ones)

  • 1 Cos Lettuce

  • 4 tbsp of Caesar Dressing (I used Pizza Express one because its just my favourite)

  • 60g Parmesan


First you want to cook the Chicken Breast. I pop them onto a tray with the Lemon sliced up, crush the Garlic cloves and season with the Oregano, Salt and Pepper. Cook in the oven covered with tin foil on 180 for 25-30 minutes then rest for 10 minutes before shredding up with two forks.


In the meantime you can shred up the Lettuce finely and grate the Parmesan.


Once everything is ready, spread a tbsp of Caesar Dressing over the wrap (this will help it stick together when you wrap it up!). Then place a line of Lettuce, topped with Chicken and 1/4 of the Grated Parmesan and wrap.


Pop the Wrap into a pre heated chargrill pan and grill for 2-3 minutes on each side, you don’t need to do this but it makes them so much nicer, gives them and crunch and melts the Parmesan.


Ridiculously simply and really yummy… next time I’m going to add some crispy Bacon in there too 😍

Hope you enjoy. L x


Healthy Chicken Shish


Creamy Bacon and Courgette Gnocchi