Abbie Starting School

So we are two weeks into School and I thought I would share my thoughts so far.

Because of staggered entry I feel like it’s been a nice easy start, Abbie seems happy and has made some friends which I feel like as a Parent it’s probably the most asked question… who did you play with!?!!! Were they nice!?!!?

Every day I’ve been picking her up after lunch bombarding her with questions like What did you do? Did you have a nice time?  More often that not the answer has been I can’t remember.

She can tell me what she’s had for lunch and that’s about it! Although I have found out about the ‘Cloud, Sun and Rainbow’ chart which they are on for behaviour… Cloud for Bad, Sun for Good and Rainbow for Extra Good… and it’s already come in very handy. We went to the supermarket today and she asked for a Magazine… I told her if she stays on the sun all week she can have one and I WILL be checking with her teacher! 

I’m trying not to be uptight, pushy or anxious with anything as I don’t want her to pick up on that… it’s really hard not to worry about them at school and it’s SO different to the nursery/preschool pick up we are used to. Which used to be a full handover of what they’ve been up to, what they’ve eaten etc etc… now I wait at the door she is called to the door and asked to push her chair in and that’s it Goodbye… see you tomorrow!

I feel confident that if we have any concerns I can raise them but so far so good …it’s just so different and you want to know what they’ve been up to but equally the teacher doesn’t have time to chat about if they went to the toilet and did she remember to wash her hands or who she played with.

So far the gates don’t seem too cliquey and definitely not as daunting as I thought they would be. I’ve been trying to scout out the Mums who look like the like the odd cold glass of Pinot and a good old gossip. It’s really hard making small talk and hovering near people smiling trying to join in their conversation looking like a weirdo but equally feel like someone has to make the first move!

I am already missing Abbie loads and not quite prepared for her to be in all day, also worried with how she will manage as it is a long day for her and we are having the same thing every morning at the moment… ‘Come on babe time to get ready for school’…. her answer ‘Again!?’ Not in an upset way just a bit like Oh this isn’t normal, bless her… but she is taking it in her stride.

There’s a ‘Parents and Pastries’ morning next week which I should make the effort to go to even if it’s just to pitch the idea of a ‘Parents and Pinot’ afternoon!? Again all a bit daunting but I’m going to put my big girl pants on and do some awkward hovering and smiling in the hope of making some new friends.

But so far most importantly Abbie is happy, she is skipping in and skipping out and we have even been doing some reading and phonics at home and I’ve been trying my hardest to be very patient and trying to adopt the encouraging and supportive mother thing rather than the losing my shit thing and averaging 50/50 at the moment so it’s all a learning process for the both of us!

I just hope she loves Primary and learning just as much as I did, it really is such a special time and so many lovely memories to be made, I can’t wait for all the shows and nativitys!

I am already counting down the days to half term and her being here with me and Isla but for now we are embracing the alarm every morning and the school run life…. kind of.

L x


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