Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

Colourful Munchkin Mealtimes

We have been weaning now for 3 months! It has been a journey to say the least and when we first started out (despite having done it before…) I felt I had no idea what I was doing, like a lot of Mums also embarking on the messy and confusing beginnings of weaning!

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

Back To Work

I feel like this has all happened VERY quickly.

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

Storksak Travel

After a couple of mini breaks and using this bag a few times, I thought I would write up a little review on it and what we love about it the most!

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

Holidaying with the Kiddos

I am one of those people that likes to build up all sorts of none existent problems in my head before they have even arrised.

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

Body Positivity…

I feel like this is going to be such a long and rambly maybe pointless post, but also feel like I have this heavy weight on my chest that I just can’t shift.

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

Mum of Two…

Been quite a while since I ‘blogged’ for obvious reasons!!! For anyone who doesn’t know Isla arrived into the world screaming her head off about 9 weeks ago at a humongous  10lb4 (all on gas on air and no stitches needed yes go me 🙌🏻🤗) and hasn’t stopped screaming since.

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

29 Weeks…

I actually can’t believe we are nearly 30 weeks!

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

MUM LIFE: 23 Weeks In…

Holy moly I feel like it’s all speeding up and I’m going to hit panic mode soon! I have started a repetitive conversation with my other half that goes something like this...

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

Nearly Half Way!

I feel like I have been pregnant for ages! I think finding out quite early on has something to do with that, and every week when I hit the next week up I get more excited and it feels more real.

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

Pregnancy After Weightloss

So on December the 14th 2015, after feeling a bit dizzy and my nips killing me (which I now know must be my sign as it was my sign last time) I decided to take a pregnancy test.

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

Weightloss in Numbers

I am such a nosy poke, I would love to see inside everyone’s slimming world books, I find it so interesting when I see pictures of people’s books and the ups and downs in them… Soooo here are mine!

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow


I am in the bath! Feeling shite after eating two twixes with my cup of tea and as I see it in black and white I realise how ridiculous that is because twixes, tea and bubble baths are a few of my favourite things.

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

My Top 5 Weightloss Tips

These five things, are things that I believe were very important in aiding my Weightloss. I still do all of them now! It is very important to find what works best for you, none of these are revolutionary but if anyone’s struggling or needs some motivation hopefully this will help 🙂

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Lillie Farrow Lillie Farrow

‘New Year, New Me’

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hate New Year’s Eve. I find it completely over rated and since having a child I have enjoyed two New Years doing what I love the most… A takeaway and an early night!

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