Asda Meals Made Freezy


So, let me begin by saying that I cook fresh everything.

I use Frozen Peas and Frozen Fruit for smoothies… but thats about as Frozen I go. Being a Chef and knowing a thing or two about food (I like to think!) the saying ‘fresh is best’ comes to mind BUT that being said… I had never delved into the world of frozen to have anything to compare it to and what I will also say is that life is becoming more and more hectic with work/kids/school runs/blog etc etc that I am not making anywhere near as much food at home as I once was because I quite simply do not have the time to be cooking three meals a day.


When Asda got in touch to see if I would like to spend the day at L’Atlier Des Chefs to try out some of their frozen produce of course the answer was yes and I would say that within an hour of being there I was near on converted. We had some delicious Frozen smoothies for Breakfast and I went for the Green Apple, Spinach and Cucumber which was so nice.


There were cook from Frozen ingredients like Diced Onions (diced!! already… NO DICING NEEDED) can you tell I was most excited about that… Mushrooms, Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash, Diced Potatoes, Chips and so much more.


The two Chefs Mark and Andrew demonstrated a few dishes to us using mainly frozen ingredients then I was paired up with Georgie @_boss_mummy_ to cook a few of our own. We made a Chicken, Ham and Sweet Potato Pie, Grilled Seabass with Italian Squash, Chilli and Garlic Dressing and One Pot Spanish Chicken Bake.


I was mostly impressed by all the different Veg you could get pre chopped and ready to cook and also happy to see that there are absolutely no hidden nasties or added oil to anything it is literally just Veg. Also something I will be using a lot of is the frozen Herbs, Garlic, Ginger and Chilli, I usually stick to the lazy varieties that come in a jar but they have added vinegar in and I think the vinegar can sometimes add a flavour to something that you don’t really want in there… the herbs will be great for Pastas and Sauces but I will still buy Fresh herbs for Garnish as some of the colour is lost in the freezing process as it adds moisture to the Herbs.


After cooking with all of the ingredients of course the proof is in the pudding so we sat down to eat everything we made and I will say I couldn’t tell any difference, I always buy fresh Chicken breasts but there was absolutely no difference in the Frozen ones especially in something like a Pie!


So thanks to Asda my freezer is now fit to burst with lots of time saving ingredients and I’m looking forward to getting creative with them and seeing how they come out. I can already say that I will 100% be repurchasing for the time saving element alone and I know Kieran will find them all really helpful too for the nights I’m at work because he isn’t too handy with his knife skills!

Hope you found this blog helpful and let me know what you think about frozen food, do you use it/would you try it?

L x

I am proud to say this post was Sponsored by Asda but as always, all words, images and opinions are my own.


Slow Cooker Chunky Beef Chilli


Creamy Chicken and Broccoli Stuffed Pasta Shells