Creamy Chicken and Broccoli Stuffed Pasta Shells


Is there anything better than baked pasta of ANY kind?! No, no theres not.

This was inspired by a (very) complicated recipe I stumbled across on Pinterest. It looked so good but had about 1569 ingredients and a lot of faffing around so I’m extremely pleased with how this came out considering it was a first timer and I definitely winged it.

The girls demolished it too so sneaky hidden broccoli for the win.

I used cooked shredded Chicken. I had cooked the Chicken Breasts the day before seasoned with Salt and Pepper, Dried Thyme, Rosemary and Oregano, then added some Garlic Cloves and Lemon wedges to the roasting tray… tin foiled the tray and cooked on 180′ for 20 minutes and shredded it up… it was so yummy and definitely adds a lot of flavour to the dish!


For 4 people you will need:

  • 250g Large Pasta Shells (I got mine in Tesco)

  • 200g Broccoli

  • 200g Cooked Chicken

  • 250ml Chicken Stock

  • 150g Philadelphia Light

  • 1 carton of Passatta with Herbs

  • Oregano

  • Salt and Pepper

  • 30g Parmesan

First cook the Broccoli and Pasta. Once the Broccoli is cooked chop it up nice and finely. The Pasta will only need around 8 minutes you want it to be soft enough to work with but finish cooking it in the Oven so it doesn’t turn to mush! Once the Pasta is cooked drizzle it with a little Olive Oil to stop it sticking together.


Whisk the Chicken Stock (hot) and the Philadelphia together and set to one side. Add the Chicken and Broccoli and check the seasoning.


In a Baking Dish add the Passatta, some Salt and Pepper and Dried Oregano.


Fill the Pasta Shells with the Chicken and Broccoli mix and lay open side up into the dish with the Passatta. Top with Grated Parmesan, Salt and Pepper then bake in the Oven at 180′ for 15 minutes.


Hope you enjoy.

L x


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