Baked Eggs

This recipe is so adaptable to whatever you want with your eggs! Aslong as you have the Tomato Sauce and the Eggs you are pretty good to go.

I went with Chicken Paprika Heck Sausages, Sweet Potato, Peppers and Courgette because it was what I had in the fridge… I’ve had them before with Bacon, Mushroom and Spinach… Chicken, Peppers and Feta… Mozzerella and Basil… and they have all been lovely. Also I would eat this as Breakfast, Lunch OR Dinner anything goes really!

I only ate half of this as I wasn’t too hungry but on a normal day would of eaten the lot so let’s say for one person you will need:

  • 3 Heck Sausages

  • 1/2 Yellow Pepper

  • 1/2 Red Pepper

  • 1 small Sweet Potato

  • 1/2 Courgette

  • 1 tin of Chopped Tomatoes

  • 1 tsp dried Oregano

  • 1 tsp Stevia sweetener

  • Salt and Pepper

  • Basil

First mix the Chopped Tomatoes with the Oregano, Stevia and some Salt and Pepper and heat through. Then cut up and fry off the Heck sausages.


Dice and roast all the veg. I roasted the Sweet Potato first for about 15 minutes then added the Peppers and Courgette for a further 5 minutes.


Mix the Sausage and Veg into the Tomato Sauce and place into an overproof dish making wells for the Eggs.


Once you’ve added the Eggs, season them with Salt and Pepper then pop into the oven on 180 for 10 minutes.


Top with chopped Basil.


And that’s it, hope you enjoy!

L x


Minced Beef Hot Pot


Mayflower Curry and Egg Fried Rice