Minced Beef Hot Pot

This is a cross between a Cottage Pie and Hot Pot and so yummy. A crowd pleaser in our house as it’s quite old school Meat and Veg always seems to keep Kieran happy and as the veg is all hidden inside gravy so Abbie always eats it up which is a bonus.

For four people you will need

  • 500g Beef Mince

  • 1 Onion diced

  • 2 Carrots diced

  • 2 sticks of Celery diced

  • 100g Frozen Peas

  • 4/5 large Potatoes (I used Maris Pipers)

  • 4 tsp Gravy Granules

  • 1 tsp Mixes Herbs

  • 25g Butter

  • Salt and Pepper


Brown the Mince with Mixed Herbs and a good pinch of Salt and Pepper in a heavy based pan then set to one side.


In the same pan, sweat off the Veg until soft for about 10 minutes then add back in the Browned Mince along with the Gravy, I used about 1/2 a litre of Gravy and then simmered for an hour.


Add the Peas to the meat and slice the potatoes. I also added some Worcester Sauce just to add some more flavour.


Remove from the heat and layer the Potatoes on top of the meat, you want a couple of layers so you have soft ones underneath and crispy ones on top. Cover with a lid and pop into the oven on 180′ for 45 mins.


The thing I love the most about this is it’s so much easier than cottage pie! No faffing about making Mash so less time spent cooking and washing up.


Hope you enjoy it!

L x


Lamb Tagine with Flaked Almond Cous Cous


Baked Eggs