Best Ever Bolognese

I had to have a good scroll back through all the recipes I’ve blogged to check I haven’t already done this, I can’t believe I haven’t as it’s something I cook on the regs.

Bolognese is a firm favourite in my house, the kids love it and this version is packed full of veg so I always think I’m winning at life when we have it for dinner.

I think I did a YouTube video once upon a time of how I make my Bolognese, this is similar but I have a few extra things I now add which really pimp up the flavour.

This amount makes enough for the 4 of us plus leftovers which I usually turn into Chilli Con Carne by bulking it out with some kidney beans and spices… so I will say for around 6-8 portions you will need…

  • 400g Lean Mince

  • 1 Onion diced

  • 1 Red Pepper diced

  • 1 Carrot grated

  • 1 Courgette grated

  • handful Cherry Tomatoes

  • handful Mushrooms diced

  • 2 garlic Cloves crushed

  • 1 tin Plum Tomatoes

  • 1 carton Passata

  • 1 tbsp Tomato Paste

  • 2 Beef Oxos

  • 2 tsp Oregano

  • dash Lea and Perrins

  • 2 tsp Balsamic Glaze


First brown off the Mince and set to one side.


Add the Onion, Carrot, Courgette, Pepper and Mushrooms and sweat for around 10 minutes.


Add the Garlic, Tomatoe Purée, Beef Oxos and Oregano then cook for 2 minutes.


Add back in the Mince with the Cherry Tomatoes, add the Plum Tomatoes, fill the tin half with water and add to the pan and add the Pasatta also filling the carton half full with water and adding to the pan.


Simmer for around 1 hour with the lid on then remove the lid and simmer for another hour. Add the dash of Lea and Perrins and the Balscamic glaze at the end.


Serve with freshly cooked Spaghetti, grated Parmesan and chopped Basil.

And that’s it!


I get that it’s a lot easier to just throw in a jar of sauce with some Mince and be done with it, but this is so worth the effort and honestly tastes amazing. I usually freeze the leftovers or add a tin of Kidney Beans in Chilli Sauce with some Smoked Paprika, Ground Cumin, Ground Coriander and Chilli Powder for Chilli Con Carne the next day.

Hope you enjoy it.

L x


Thai Green Prawn Curry with Sticky Rice


Tomato Sauce