Chicken, Bacon, Leek and Mushroom Carbonara

This reminded me of a comforting Pie with all my favourite fillings! It was a hit with the Mr which is always a win when it comes to Pasta as he isn’t a fan (and I’m THE biggest Pasta fan) so I will be making this a lot more!

It’s like a Carbonara with the Eggs and Parmesan but with added Cream Cheese for extra creaminess. For any Slimming Worlders it would be syn free if using the cheese as your healthy extra A and split between 2 people!

For 2 people you will need

  • 2 large Chicken Breasts thinly sliced

  • 4 Bacon Medalions cut into lardons

  • 1 Leek sliced

  • 6 Mushrooms sliced

  • 1 tsp Lazy Garlic

  • 150g Spaghetti

  • 75g Light Cream Cheese

  • 2 Eggs

  • 30g Parmesan grated

  • 1 Chicken Oxo

  • Basil and Parsley chopped

  • Salt and Pepper


First things first, boil the kettle ready to cook the pasta! Fry the Bacon in a hot pan until crispy, then set to one side.


In the same pan, fry the Chicken till browned and set to the side too.


Next, in the same pan, add the Mushrooms, Leeks and Garlic then sweat for 5 minutes on a lower heat.


Add the Chicken and Bacon back to the pan with the Chicken Oxo and a small amount of Water, reduce the liquid and then stir in the Cream Cheese.


You can set this all to one side whilst you cook the Pasta. Normally I would cook the Pasta alongside and add at this stage, but it’s fine to prepare to this stage and leave to one side for later!


Use some of the Pasta cooking water to loosen the Chicken mix back up again and heat up.


Drain the Pasta and make sure the Chicken mix is piping hot.


Add the Spaghetti to the Chicken and turn off the heat.


Add the Eggs stiring through. The residual heat will cook the Eggs so they are safe to eat but I always turn the heat off to avoid scrambling them!


Stir through most of the Parmesan and Herbs saving some to put on top.


Check the seasoning, it shouldn’t need too much Salt as you get a lot of Saltiness from the Bacon and Parmesan. Then serve!


This was serious comfort food! And super quick and easy to cook once everything’s ready to throw into pans!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

L x


Sweet Potato and Broccoli Falafel


Creme Egg Brownies