Sweet Potato and Broccoli Falafel

In a bid to get some more interesting food and flavours into Islas life I thought I would make some Falafels!

When I Baby Led Weaned Abbie, I had all the time in the world to make her lovely food all the time… but Isla very rarely gets that treatment!

I needed to come up with something super super easy that I could batch cook every once in a while for her to try… the beauty of these is you could switch up the veg, spices, herbs etc etc and make any sort of combo… plus they are very healthy and Slimming World friendly… win win! And they are freezer friendly for extra time saving mummy happiness.

All you need is:

  • 1 tin of Chickpeas

  • 100g cooked, mashed Sweet Potato

  • 100g cooked, mashed Brocolli

  • 1 Egg

  • 1tsp Mixed Spice

Empty the whole tin, including water, into a pan and heat gently for 4-5 minutes.


Drain and then blitz up, I used a hand blender and did this roughly so there was more texture for Isla. You could blend to a finer texture if you/your baby prefers!


Then add the mashed Sweet Potato and Broccoli.


Beat the Egg and add along with the Mixed Spice and mix it all together.


Then I make the mix into patties and fry off in a frying pan. You could roll into balls but I thought patties would be easy for little baby hands!


For freezing, lay them onto a tray, spaced apart on greaseproof paper and pop into the freezer. Once they are fully frozen you can transfer into a tub or freezer bags.

To cook from frozen give them 20 minutes in the oven.

And that’s it!

So simple and she absolutely loved them. They were quite crumbly and messy but I’ve never seen her enjoy something quite so much. I will definitely be trying different combinations and flavours.

If you want to eat them straight away, pop the tray into the oven for 10 minutes on 180.


Enjoy! L x


Good Life Meals


Chicken, Bacon, Leek and Mushroom Carbonara