Chicken, Crushed Pea, Lemon and Pesto Pasta


A couple of weeks ago I worked with Sacla Pesto and created a Pasta dish very similar to this. This blog post is not sponsored in anyway obvs you can use whatever Pesto you like the best… but thought it would be nice to upload how I made it, because it was quite epic, if I do say so myself.

For 2 people you need:

  • 2 Chicken Breasts cut into strips

  • 150g Pasta

  • 150g Peas

  • 150g Light Cream Cheese

  • 2 tbsp Green Pesto

  • 1 Lemon

  • Salt and Pepper


Heat a large frying pan and a pan of boiling water. Fry the chicken with Salt and Pepper and add the Pasta to the boiling water with Salt. Boil a separate pan of water for the Peas.


Whilst everything is cooking, zest the Lemon and boil the Peas. Drain the Peas then mash them up, add Salt and Pepper and the Lemon Zest.


The Chicken and Pasta should take around 8-10 minutes to cook, drain the Pasta saving some of the water and add to the Chicken with the Peas, Pesto and Cream Cheese, turn the heat down to low and add a little Water gradually to loosen up the sauce.

Once all mixed together I also stirred in a handful of Rocket for a bit more texture and flavour!

Hope you enjoy!

L x




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