

This is one of those meals that you could literally throw anything in and it would still taste good. I always have it when there are odds and ends of veg to use up in the fridge, you could also add meat or fish if you want to! It super filling if you eat the whole thing, I usually have half of the amount here as a meal, but obviously it depends how hungry you are!

For 1-2 people you will need:

  • 2 Eggs

  • 1 tin of Chopped Tomatoes/Cherry Tomatoes

  • 1/4 tsp Smoked Paprika

  • 1/4 tsp Mixed Herbs

  • 1/4 tsp Cumin

  • diced Veg (I used 1/2 yellow Courgette, 1/2 Green Courgette, 1/2 Red Pepper, 1/2 Sweet Potato

  • 1/2 tbsp Balsamic Glaze

  • Salt and Pepper

  • Coriander


If using Potato, start by frying off in a pan with a little oil, salt and pepper.


After a few minutes, add the other veg with the herbs and spices then fry for a few more minutes.


Add the tin of tomatoes and simmer for 5-10 minutes, you want there to be enough sauce to surround the eggs when you add them, so add a little water if you need to.


Check the seasoning, add Salt, Pepper and a little Balsamic Glaze for sweetness if it needs it.


Make two holes and crack in the eggs, then turn down the heat to a very low simmer and leave to let the eggs cook through, be patient they will! I pop mine under the grill for 30 seconds at the end just to finish cooking the egg white.

Top with freshly chopped coriander and you are good to go!

Hope you like it.

L x


Moroccan Spiced Salmon


Chicken, Crushed Pea, Lemon and Pesto Pasta