Chicken Pesto Pasta

This is my favourite ever pasta dish! You can use Cream Cheese or Creme Fraiche for this both, are lovely. One of my favourite things about this dish is how quick it is, in the time the Pasta cooks the sauce is made.

For two people you will need:

  • 2 Chicken Breasts sliced

  • 2 Peppers sliced

  • 150g Mushrooms sliced

  • 2 Garlic cloves finely chopped

  • 150g Pasta

  • 4 tbsp Red Pesto

  • 150g Philadelphia Light

  • 60g Parmesan

  • Fresh Basil

Heat a frying pan on a high heat and add the boiling water to another pan on a high heat with a large pinch of salt.


Then fry the chicken and add the pasta to the water. Try not to move the chicken too much you want it to brown nicely!


One the chicken is nicely browned add the peppers and cook for a few minutes, then add the mushrooms and garlic and cook for a minute longer.


Add the pesto and cream cheese and some of the water from the pasta to create a sauce, I use about half a mug full for this recipe.


The pasta should be cooked by now, make sure you check it! Then drain it off, save some of the pasta water incase you need it. Add the pasta to the chicken.


Turn the heat down and give it a good mix, you may want to add a bit more water!


This makes two decent sized portions and is lovely cold as leftovers for lunch!

Hope you enjoy this as much as I do!

L x


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