Creamy Chicken Meatball, Mushroom and Leek Pasta Bake

Ahhhh I was on such a roll with my recipes! Wish I could dedicate more time and headspace for them but things have been a bit manic lately so it’s been a while.

Anyway today was one of those crappy days, cold out, serious comfort food needed and this hit alllllll the right spots.

I used the Chicken Meatballs from Muscle Food but you could just use Chicken Breast if you wanted to. For more info on Muscle Food and Syn Values for any Slimming Worlders, I have a full blog post all about it which you can see by clicking here.

This amount makes around 4-6 portions depending on appetite.

You will need:

  • 1 packet Chicken Meatballs

  • 150g Mushrooms quartered

  • 1 Leek sliced

  • 2 Garlic Clive’s crushed

  • 1 sprig of Rosemary, remove leaves from stalk and chop

  • 3-4 sprigs of Thyme, remove leaves from stalks and chop

  • 3 Chicken stock cubes

  • 250g Pasta

  • 200g Philadelphia Light

  • 30g Parmesan grated

  • 30g Wholemeal Breadcrumbs


Put the Pasta into salted boiling water and start sealing the Meatballs in a large frying pan.


When the meatballs are sealed I use my spoon to break the balls in half, they cook quicker and I find them easier to eat this way. Then I add the Garlic, Herbs and stock cubes and fry for a couple of minutes.


Add the Mushrooms and Leeks and fry for a few minutes. Check the pasta, I cooked mine for 8 minutes so it was slightly under cooked as it will continue to cook once in the oven.


Drain the pasta saving the water, then add 500ml of the pasta water to the frying pan and simmer for  5 minutes.


Turn off the heat and add the Philadelphia Light, then add the Pasta mixing everything together.


Put into an oven proof dish and top with the Breadcrumbs and Parmesan.


Pop into the oven for 10-15 minutes on 200’ and then finish with som chopped Parsley.


I had mine with some extra veggies but would be a bloody lovely with a Garlic Baguette!

Hope you enjoy it.

L x


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